Saturday, December 19, 2009

English and preschool

There are about 5 preschools that has english as a language in the Gothenburg area, with kids from all over the world, and there are two schools that use english as a way of teaching, following either the swedish school plan, or an international one. So there are a few options, if you feel that your child would do better with english as a main language, or if you don't speak swedish at all. There are also quite a few swedish for immigrants courses, which most are free of charge, as are most schools in Sweden. It is recommended that immigrants sign up to learn swedish as soon as they arrive, and they set it up so that you can get help learning how to even get help with job searches and such that way as well, as part of the training.

You can actually get by with just english in the daily life quite a bit these days. Most people speak english, even if they are a little shy, and doesn't want to let you know right away. Swedes learn english in school from at least grade 3 and on, and lots of shows and songs from the US and other english speaking countries are also popular over here. Lots of expressions have come as well, words and sayings that are not very polite are used daily here, which can be a little hard to shield from your own younger children.
Shows are usually dubbed for children, and sutitled for grown ups, and they are not far behind on top series in the US as far as episodes and what is going on. If you love all the big shows, with everything from So you think you can dance and Housewives of Atlanta, to criminal shows like CSI and NCIS are here already. And some are even reinvented or copied in a swedish setting, which are very funny at times.
A lot of releases of larger motion pictures are here as well, and some you can choose if you want to see the swedish or english version. Movies like Ice Age, which has an adult and a child audience, has that option, for example. Which is a great option, if you have children that speak mostly english, or just want to hear it in it's original.

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