Saturday, December 5, 2009

The container...

Advise: Never get a container over a holiday, unless you have no intention of celebrating that holiday at all. And also, don't try to do it just the two of you, with two little kids to entertain as well!
We got the container, and we thought that things would be alright. But, the weather didn't quite work in our favor, so we had rain for two days, which meant that if you left the doors open to the container, it would have rained in, and made everything moldy. So instead we spent that time mostly inside, packing and planing and thought we would be just fine. Oh how wrong we were! After packing, packing and more packing, and a lot of help with babysitting, so that we could do a major dent in the household inventory we were down to the last bit. Or so we thought. But it's amazing how much space and time that last bit takes. And when you are tired, sore and don't want to see another box or item again, there is more. And even more. We pushed hard, and by 2:30am, my other half told me to go to bed, so that one of us would make it up when the kids woke up. He continued until 4:30am, at which time, we thougt most was done. And we thought that we could just to one last push in the morning, just a few hours later. Or so we thought. Instead I woke up to a truck idle outside at 5:55am, and a guy came up and knocked on the door. He wanted to get to Boston by 8am, or close to it, so that he could make some money that day. Great, we got a young workaholic that is stressed at 6am! Just what we needed. So our container didn't get a last minute check over, and no chance to add things either. So by 6:20am it was gone, and instead of relief we got a little panic. We started to realize how much was still in the house, that we wanted to take, and how much we had to get rid of, one way or another. That was one long day! Thank goodness for a very good friend, who came over to take some of our food, and ended up cleaning out most of our cabinets as well. And then she came back and picked up the kids, to play at her house, while we did a major push to clean out the rest. It took 12 hours, and lots of stuff to through out. But after getting the kids dropped back off, and luggage packed mostly, some dinner dropped off as well for us, and some last minute crazyness we did it! And at 8pm we left our house, our home for 5 years, and a broken dream, to some extend. To continue on our new adventure in another place, another country, and lots of new experiences ahead. Here we go....

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